The Services We Offer
Our Expertise
- Energy Trading: Policies and procedures, defining risk tolerance, front/mid/back-office structure and clarifying the role of chief risk officer and your Board.
- Enterprise Risk Analysis: ERM best practices and integration into your strategic planning process.
- Economic Analysis: Regional Economic Impact Analyses & Risk and Uncertainty Studies. We also perform energy and load forecasting with a focus on the impact of emerging customer-owned distributed renewable resources.
- Strategic Business Development: Competitive Assessment and Development of strategic marketing plans.
- Independent Management Auditing: Power supply portfolio reviews, independent management audits and process reviews.
- Due Diligence: Business practices and controls, risk management, and acquisition and/or new business opportunities.
Typical Engagements
- Energy Trading: ESI serves as CRO for two electric utilities.
- Enterprise Risk Analysis: Retained by 6 energy systems to guide the development of their ERM programs including NYISO, NYPA and Southern Company
- Economic Analysis: Leading provider of stochastic analysis (Monte Carlo) of least cost assessments of nuclear, CCGT and renewable life cycle costs.
- Strategic Business Development: Strategic advisor to emerging technology developers addressing such advances in Smart & Micro Grids, fuel cells, compressed NG vehicles, and superconducting electric utility applications.
- Independent Management Auditing: Trusted independent advisor of regulatory commissions, utility executive management and Boards of Directors as to strategic and business planning, economic development, need for power assessment and emerging technologies.
- Due Diligence: Provider of independent review and assessment of critical business opportunities, regulatory strategies, and potential merger or acquisition risk profile
We also offer on-site training.
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Risk modeling (Monte Carlo) using @Risk and Excel
- Regulation and Competitive Energy Markets